Est. 2013 in Vancouver, BC
Cascadia Dance & Cinema Festival Vancouver, BC, Canada
Capitol Dance & Cinema Festival
Washington, DC, USA

Established in Vancouver, BC in 2013, Dancinema is a fusion of dance and cinema
through productions, education and events.
Founded by Vancouverite Jen Ray, Dancinema has reached audiences across the world and been in active collaboration with companies and individuals across Canada and The United States.
Through Dancinema's workshops, screenings, film collaborations and partnerships, many have explored, expand perspectives, and enjoyed this hybrid language.
CASCADIA Dance & Cinema Festival's first iteration was in 2016, with the goal to cultivate an interest in and community of "Dancinephiles" who, whether creators themselves or not, can learn more about the infinite and impactful ways in which Dance & Film combine.
For more information on Dancinema,
CASCADIA Dance & Cinema Festival's parent company,
vist www.dancinema.co
For more information on Dancinema's
CAPITOL Dance & Cinema Festival, our American event,
visit www.capitoldc.festival.com
Want to schedule a workshop or discuss a collaboration?
E-mail jenraydancinema@gmail.com